Elevation Add - The first field of elevation section allows you to quickly add/subtract some constant elevation (height) to Altitude Limits of all layers.
Elevation Mul (Multiply) - The second field of elevation section allows you to quickly scale/multiply Altitude Limits (height limits) and Transition Heights of all layers.
A (Apply) - Will apply all the elevation modifications caused by Elevation Add/Multiply to layers and reset Elevation Add/Multiply back to default values. When user clicks the apply button, a window will pop up, asking which layers to modify, all currently visible layers or all layers in the layer tree.
Color Add - The first field of color section allows you to quickly add/subtract some constant color value to brighten/darken all layers. It will only affect RGB color of each layer and not its color map. The normal range of value is 0-1: 0 is black and 1 is white color.
Color Mul (Multiply) - The second field of color section is the same as above but will scale all colors (multiply colors by some value). 1 represents no change.
A (Apply) - Will apply all the color modifications caused by Color Add/Multiply to layers and reset Color Add/Multiply back to default values. When user clicks the apply button, a window will pop up, asking which layers to modify, all currently visible layers or all layers in the layer tree.
Bump Mul (Multiply) - Multiplies all bumps (multiply them by some value) and basically increases or decreases bumpiness of all layers. 1 represents no change.
A (Apply) - Applies Bump Multiply to layers and resets Bump Multiply value to 1.0. When user clicks the apply button, a window will pop up, asking which layers to apply it to, all currently visible layers or all layers in the layer tree.
Displace Add - Will displace all layers by some offset. This is useful only when displacement is used.
(Note: Some renderers cannot handle negative displacement values and will show black flat surface where displacement is negative. In that case, add some offset to push displacement values into the positive range.)
Displace Mul (Multiply) - Increase/decreases displacement of all layers at the same time.
(Note: displacement might look different with different renderers so you can make quick adjustments here.)